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Find free wi-fi internet hotspots and wireless networks in Greece! E-mail

geographical regions of Greece Crete Attica Thessaly Epirus Peloponnese Ionian Islands Central Greece Macedonia Thrace Aegean  Islands

There are hundreds of free hotspots available to you in Greece!

Whether under the sun relaxing, or on the move exploring, Greece is a great place to enjoy a wifi connection. 

Especially when it is free!

Κατάλογος free-wifi.grClick for the directory homepage or select a region on the map.

And chances are that it will be, as Greece has become a passive leader in the free wifi world by quietly following the wave of this popular trend. 


By 2010, Greece can boast of having over 400 municipal free wifi access spots, seemingly countless hotspot locations offered by cafe-bars and hotels, as well as several grassroots wireless community networks across the country.

What is a wifi hotspot? E-mail

wifi signal image


A wifi hotspot is location (cafe, hotel, restaurant, town square, library, port) that allows you to connect to the web wirelessly, using either a laptop, a palmtop (PDA), a portable game console or a wi-fi enabled mobile phone.

Does Your Business Offer Free Internet?

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Every year, thousands of tourists, students and professionals look for a free hotspot!

There are at least 30 000+ searches a year for the key words "free wifi" from Greece.



Πρόβαλε τώρα την επιχείρηση σου εντελώς δωρεάνList your business now on and make finding you a lot easier!

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